A socially oriented non-financial development institution and a major organizer of nationwide and international conventions; exhibitions; and business, public, youth, sporting, and cultural events.

The Roscongress Foundation is a socially oriented non-financial development institution and a major organizer of nationwide and international conventions; exhibitions; and business, public, youth, sporting, and cultural events. It was established in pursuance of a decision by the President of the Russian Federation.

The Foundation was established in 2007 with the aim of facilitating the development of Russia’s economic potential, promoting its national interests, and strengthening the country’s image. One of the roles of the Foundation is to comprehensively evaluate, analyse, and cover issues on the Russian and global economic agendas. It also offers administrative services, provides promotional support for business projects and attracting investment, helps foster social entrepreneurship and charitable initiatives.

Each year, the Foundation’s events draw participants from 208 countries and territories, with more than 15,000 media representatives working on-site at Roscongress’ various venues. The Foundation benefits from analytical and professional expertise provided by 5,000 people working in Russia and abroad.

The Foundation works alongside various UN departments and other international organizations, and is building multi-format cooperation with 195 economic partners, including industrialists’ and entrepreneurs’ unions, financial, trade, and business associations from 83 countries worldwide, and 280 Russian public organizations, federal and legislative agencies, and federal subjects.

The Roscongress Foundation has Telegram channels in Russian t.me/Roscongress, English – t.me/RoscongressDirect, Spanish – t.me/RoscongressEsp and Arabic t.me/RosCongressArabic. Official website and Information and Analytical System of the Roscongress Foundation:roscongress.org.

Roscongress Foundation

is a socially oriented non-financial development institution and a major organizer of nationwide and international conventions; exhibitions; and business, public, youth, sporting, and cultural events.
Roscongress presentation
Roscongress events calendar
Roscongress International
Roscongress Club presentation
The Roscongress Foundation Information Centre
Roscongress Foundation delegate management services presentation
Media kit Roscongress Foundation publications
MARMA augmented reality service
Fund RC-Investments presentation
School friend presentation
Friends for Leadership presentation
Roscongress projects
Roscongress International – foreign project offices of the Roscongress Foundation

A network of Roscongress Foundation project offices in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America is an independent platform for interaction between Russian and foreign business circles, scaling up Russia’s cooperation with foreign partners.

Goals and competencies

  • Ensuring effective participation of foreign partners in the largest economic forums in Russia;

  • Conducting major trade, economic and investment events abroad (forums, exhibitions, roadshows);

  • Organizing business missions from Russia abroad and vice versa;

  • Advisory and analytical support for Russian business and investment projects.


International and Regional Cooperation Directorate
Tel.: +7 (495) 640 4440
Email: cooperation@roscongress.org

Social Platform

The Innosocium Foundation, the social platform of the Roscongress Foundation, was established to facilitate a constructive dialogue between business, government, and civil society.

The Innosocium Foundation’s activities primarily aim to develop culture, creative industries, education, youth initiatives, women’s leadership, and social communications.

The Foundation’s main objectives are to provide practical support for priority areas of social development, create and promote the social agenda at the communication platforms of the Roscongress Foundation, implement charitable initiatives, enhance the effectiveness of NPOs and corporate social responsibility, and bolster international cooperation as part of the sustainable development agenda.

Healthy Life

The Healthy Life project is an industry platform for direct dialogue between representatives of government and the expert community at the national and international level, supporting the joint search for practical proposals to address key issues in the healthcare sector. The project also plays an active role in developing state social policy and is a key advocate of efforts to promote a healthy society as a core pillar in Russia’s development.

The project acts as a tool for sustainable development, helping to advance Russia’s position as a driver of the global health agenda.

The Healthy Life project that the Roscongress Foundation presents as part of its major events has become a traditional point of attraction for the medical and scientific communities and a platform for professional discussions and presentations of innovative projects in the healthcare sector.

The project has resulted in one of the most high-profile specialized events in Russia — the Healthy Life Forum and the ‘Ensuring Drug Security’ Russian Pharmaceutical Forum.

See more about the project on forumhealth.ru.

Investment platform for Russian regions

The main goal of Investinregions is to create a unique digital environment that brings together investors and project initiators across Russia and offers up-to-date information on Russian regions, business conditions, government support measures and other aspects of doing business, thus helping to improve the investment climate throughout the country. The Portal has been conceived, designed and created by the dedicated teams at Roscongress Foundation and RC-Investments Fund together with professional consultants and experts.

Innovation Space

The Roscongress Foundation’s forums, which have historically fostered discussions on the most significant and topical issues, are continuing to expand the digital agenda.

The Innovation Space is a special programme, exhibition space, and presentation area for innovative projects and high-tech Russian startups: Skolkovo Foundation and IIDF projects, innovative projects from large corporations, the leading university incubators and accelerators, and independent startups.

The Innovation Space is not just a useful networking opportunity, it also provides projects with the opportunity to present their investment potential to government bodies, large corporations, investment funds, and business angels.

In an Innovation Space, event participants discuss the demand for and opportunities to use innovations in all areas of life and the economy and immerse themselves in the details of various branches of industry, focusing on specific issues and emerging challenges.

The lounges also serve as a way to expand the reach of Russian high-tech products both at home and abroad, thanks to the interest of international Roscongress Foundation forum guests.

Dmitry Sryvkov
Head of the Innovative Projects Directorate
Tel.: +7 (495) 640 4440, ext. 340
Email: dmitry.sryvkov@roscongress.org

RC Complex Systems

RC Complex Systems brings together leading Russian scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs to design, create and manage modern technological platforms and science-intensive investment projects at the interstate level.

Modern technological challenges and the need for cooperation between government, society and science in addressing national strategic objectives have created the prerequisites for the introduction of new management tools — technological platforms.

The concept of the platform approach, created by RC Complex Systems experts, is based on the use of artificial intelligence, big data and the construction of advanced ecosystems — the technologies that make it possible to develop simple solutions for managing complex projects of any nature both in Russia and abroad.

Technological platforms are commonly referred to as the latest communication tools that enable to build effective interaction at all levels of a complex system of relations and create a space of trust between its participants. It is not just a question of using new technologies, but of transforming the state’s governance process and scaling it up in all areas of activity, from the development of scientific and commercial products to inter-state cooperation.

MARMA augmented reality service

MARMA is an augmented reality service that allows you to take brand marketing to a new level and promote products and services in a completely new, immersive way. With MARMA, customers can see products in 3D and visually assess their benefits, which accelerates the customer’s decision to buy.

The service offers ready-made digital solutions using augmented reality for promotion and advertising in various spheres of activity:
— interactive stands, photo zones and maps
— digital brand ambassadors
— engaging advertising
— bringing souvenirs, gifts and merchandise to life
— virtual invitations
— cutting edge business cards, etc.

Take your promotion to the next level with us!

Get a consultation and order services:
Tatiana Zimba, Head of MARMA Service
Tel: +7 (903) 092 0054
Email: info@marma.pro
Website: marma.pro

Business Priority

The Business Priority project aims to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy by promoting domestic innovative products and technologies. Its goal is the creation of a national quality standard recognized by the international community for high-tech innovative projects with high liquidity in the global market.

The Roscongress Foundation is a platform for supporting projects and software development companies which, subject to certain criteria, are awarded the status of Business Priority. This status brings several benefits, including direct contact with major investors and manufacturers, and consultations with leading experts in finance, law, marketing and advertising. This enables companies to significantly reduce the time to market for products on both the domestic and international markets and to scale up business and increase capitalization.

Marianna Skragan
Business Priority Project Director
Phone: +7 (499) 579 8278
Email: skragan@businesspriority.ru

The Content Foundation

The Content Foundation is Roscongress Foundation’s youth platform created to pool resources to promote socially significant youth projects in Russia and abroad. The platform implements business and educational programs and projects in order to facilitate the sustainable social development of the country.

The Content Foundation forms a cross-cutting agenda in the field of education and youth policy at the leading international discussion platforms.

The flagship project of the youth platform is Point Junior, a community of proactive teenagers aged 14–18, which integrates into key business events in the country, providing the younger generation with the opportunity to present their initiatives and projects at the highest level, as well as receive mentoring support from world business leaders, prominent politicians and public figures.


Tel.: 8-800-505-72-29
Email: info@content-foundation.org

Point Junior

The Point Junior project was created in 2021 by Roscongress Foundation’s Youth Platform — the Content Foundation with the support of Innopraktika, a non-governmental development institute.

Point Junior forms a community of proactive teenagers aged 14–18 by creating a cross-cutting agenda at the key discussion and communication platforms of the country, giving young people the opportunity to present their initiatives and projects at the highest level, as well as receive mentoring support from world business leaders, prominent politicians and public figures.

During its existence, the project has become a part of such key business events as the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Eastern Economic Forum, Russian Energy Week, Congress of Young Scientists, bringing together hundreds of talented schoolchildren from all over Russia and young representatives from abroad.

Point Junior’s partners are the largest Russian corporations and non-profit organizations.


Tel.: 8-800-505-72-29
Email: info@content-foundation.org

Fund RC-Investments

Fund RC-Investments main focus is to attract financing and support the implementation of key investment, business and export-oriented projects across in various Russian regions.

By bringing together all of the key investment and economic players, as well as Russian and international corporations and government officials responsible for strategic decisions, the Roscongress Foundation serves as a comprehensive, professional facilitator of priority investment project implementation.

Its work with international businesses, associations, development institutions, and expert communities around the world allows the Roscongress Foundation to find optimal solutions to the most pressing objectives, orchestrate discussion agendas for Foundation events, and establish dialogues between countries.

The Roscongress Foundation and the Fund RC-Investments offer an integrated approach to developing and supporting business projects in the Russian Federation’s regions.


RK-SMART provides processing services for legal entities.

The RK-SMART fuel card is a «multi-brand» card accepted at more than 5,700 petrol stations and distinguished by its wide CIS and EU coverage.

Our company has extensive experience in creating and managing a cashless fuel payment system based on plastic fuel cards, allowing you to reduce costs and control your expenses by simplifying fuel accounting procedures and saving on petrol station visits.

Benefits of using RK-SMART fuel cards:

  • no minimum sampling threshold for the contract and the card;
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  • cutting down fuel expenses: VAT refund, possible discounts from 0 litres;
  • free services: personal web office, petrol station locator, payment alerts;
  • electronic document management;
  • we take care of the shipping charges for contracts, reporting documents, and cards;
  • no hidden fees;
  • no additional fees and contract maintenance fees.

Roscongress Foundation’s projects in environmental management and ecology

Since 2021, the Roscongress Foundation has been the operator of major international congress and exhibition events in environmental management, ecology and protection of species of prey.

Major projects:

1. Nevsky Ecological Congress (St. Petersburg). It’s a biannual event held with the support of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Russian Federation, the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Government of the Russian Federation.

Key objectives of the Congress:


In 2023, the Congress was attended by over 1,500 participants and media representatives. The number of delegates almost doubled compared with 2021. The event’s global importance was reaffirmed by the participation of 52 foreign states and territories.

The 10th Nevsky International Ecological Congress served as a platform for productive discussions about issues related to the improvement of the environmental situation on the planet. The Congress promoted the further development of an international dialogue and the exchange of experience between government officials, the business community, scientists, and public organizations.

2. The Altai Environmental Forum ‘Thread of Nature’ (Altai Republic) is held annually with the support of the Altai Republic Government and the Altai Republic Development Centre.

Key objectives of the Forum:


The first Forum was held in 2022, gathering 190 participants in the Republic of Altai, and became a new platform for discussing Russia’s most important environmental initiatives, relevant not only to the Altai Republic, but to Siberia in general.

Among other things, the Forum introduced participants to the culture, spirituality and traditions of the region, and showed them the unique landscapes and unspoilt beauty of the Altai Mountains.

The 2nd Altai Environmental Forum ‘Thread of Nature’ took place on 29–30 September 2023 as an international event with the participation of foreign guests from friendly and neighboring countries.

3. The International Tiger Forum is held once every 12 years, with the support of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Russian Federation, and the Amur Tiger Centre.

Key objectives of the Forum:

The 2nd International Tiger Forum took place on 5 September 2022 as part of the 7th Eastern Economic Forum. Over 2,000 participants from Russia and 44 foreign countries and territories visited the venue. Thus, in 2022, the Tiger Forum became the largest industry-specific discussion platform in the Russian Far East, bringing together in the capital of Primorye representatives from a number of tiger-range countries, representatives of relevant ministries and agencies, the scientific community, international conservation organizations, businesses, authorities, as well as scientists and experts in the protection of endangered animal species.

4. The 2nd stage of ‘Ecosystem. Protected Territory’ Russian Youth Environmental Forum in Kamchatka Territory was held from 29 August to 5 September 2022 with the support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) and the Kamchatka Government.

The event took place in a hybrid format. The Forum brought together over 450 environmentalists from 85 regions of Russia and some 4,000 online participants on the peninsula.

Key objectives of the Forum:


Outcomes of the Forum:


Kamchatka Falcon Centre
The Kamchatka Falcon Centre is a key project of the integrated plan for the creation of reintroduction and conservation centres for birds of the falcon family approved by the President of the Russian Federation. For the first time in Russia, the reproduction of the gyrfalcon, the most valuable and rare species of the order Falconiformes, will be organized.

The Kamchatka Falcon Centre is being established with the support of the Roscongress Foundation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, and Arctic Development Corporation (FEDC), and the Administration of Kamchatka Territory in the Kamchatka Advanced Development Territory. Co-investors in the project are Zapsibgazprom and the Roscongress investment platform — RK Investments Foundation.

A nursery for 200 pairs of falcons, an aviary for 1,000 young falcons, a circling tower, and a multifunctional ornithological centre were built on a total area of 300 ha in the Milkovsky district of Kamchatka Territory.

The main objectives of the Falcon Centre:
  • training falcons for international competitions, and creating the necessary conditions for the first international falconry competitions to be held in the Russian Federation;

  • creation of the world’s first scientific team to educate students and train new falconers;

  • combating poaching;

  • rehabilitation of gyrfalcons seized from poachers;

  • release of a limited number of birds into the wild (this process is monitored and approved by the scientific team).
The project combines state-of-the-art technology with international best practice, including expertise from the United Arab Emirates.
Friends for Leadership
Friends for Leadership — is a network of the next generation leaders and entrepreneurs created with a support of the Roscongress Foundation in 2018 to share globally the best practices and scalable projects in the spheres of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 together with partners

Download a presentation.
Russian Convention Bureau

Russian Convention Bureau is a one-stop-contact for all organizers of international congress events.

Established in November 2017 with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation and is a marketing tool to promote the country in the international business events market.

RCB key area of activity is to attract the significant international business events to the Russian Federation to increase the flow of foreign business tourists.

Tel.: +7 (495) 777 1645
Email: info@russiacb.com


Our platform allows you to showcase your goods and services, find investors, colleagues and partners, expand your market and supply chain, create new companies, and opt into already existing projects.

Regional Best Practices

Expert Regional Group project has been launched by the Roscongress Foundation and the Ministry for the Economic Development of the Russian Federation

The Regional Best Practices project aims to collect, exchange, and implement proven and effective best practices. The practices themselves are simple measures that can easily be implemented in new regions.


Every year, the RC-ART production centre holds dozens of events of various kinds. These include mass entertainment events, cultural festivals, city concert programmes, private events for major companies, gala receptions, and private protocol events attended by heads of state. RC-ART employs Russian and international performers across a wide range of genres, and provides full technical support at events, including creating opening videos, interactive clips, light and laser shows, and robot shows. The production centre also provides a full range of film production services, from developing a creative concept and script based on the client’s requirements to creating animated 3D elements and applying advanced CGI effects.

Roscongress presentation
Roscongress events calendar
Roscongress International
Roscongress Club presentation
The Roscongress Foundation Information Centre
Roscongress Foundation delegate management services presentation
Media kit Roscongress Foundation publications
MARMA augmented reality service
Fund RC-Investments presentation
School friend presentation
Friends for Leadership presentation